BOZEMAN — On today's This Week in Fish and Wildlife, Morgan Jacobsen explained a recent Bighorn Sheep relocation into the Tendoy Mountains, south of Dillon and west of Dell.

Twenty-six sheep were moved from Wild Horse Island in Flathead Lake to this area. Historically Bighorn had lived here, but by 1940 the population was gone thanks to unrestricted hunting.
FWP relocated nearly 60 sheep to the area in 1985-86 but disease destroyed most of the herd leading to a hunt-lead removal of the remaining animals in 2015.
Every adult and yearling sheep was outfitted with a GPS collar so biologists can better monitor this herd's progress. Jacobsen also says the hope is to add another 30 animals in the near future to join this herd. FWP says the ultimate hope is to maintain a herd of around 150 sheep in this area. The National and Montana Bighorn Sheep Foundations partnered along with FWP,
The BLM, Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest for this relocation. Jacobsen notes that help also came from sporting good giants Bass Pro Shops and Cabelas.
The relocation involved 19 ewes, 5 rams, and 2 lambs.