HELENA — A Montana man from the Missoula area has entered a guilty plea for actions taken during the riot at the U.S.Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Boyd Allen Camper signed a plea agreement admitting to parading, demonstrating, or picketing in Capitol buildings. The crime is a class B misdemeanor.
The maximum penalties Camper can face for the charge is up to six months of imprisonment and a fine of up to $5,000. His sentencing is scheduled to be held Nov. 12 before Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.
Camper has also agreed to pay $500 in restitution to the U.S. Treasury for damages caused at the Capitol that day. The Capitol Building and grounds sustained nearly $1.5 million in damages during the riot.
By entering a guilty plea for the parading/demonstrating charge, prosecutors have agreed to drop the charges of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; knowingly engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct in restricted building or grounds; engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct on the capitol buildings or grounds.

According to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Camper was seen on national news coverage—specifically an interview with CBS News— describing actions he took that day.
In the interview, Camper is accused of stating, “I was on the front line.” He further stated, “We’re going to take this damn place. If you haven’t heard it’s called the insurrection act and we the people are ready.”
FBI agents conducted interviews with five witnesses that claim to have seen Camper enter the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6.
In another video obtained by investigators, someone says, “they are pepper spraying us.” Camper allegedly then began asking people outside with masks to come forward.
Prosecutors say Camper had a Go-Pro camera with him on Jan. 6 which he initially said he’d share the contents of with law enforcement if they’d guarantee the audio would not be used against him.
On March 17, law enforcement once again contacted Camper about the video or pictures on the Go-Pro. Camper allegedly said it was “inaccessible, buried out in the cold” and would not disclose the location. The government then formally requested he provide the data recorded on Jan. 6, but Camper said he had previously disposed of the recordings and was not in possession of them anymore.