BUTTE – Some buildings and homes in Butte are in rough shape.
“There’s roofs that leak or no roofs, windows that are broken out, drain systems that don’t work,” said Director of Community Enrichment Ed Randall.
This is why Butte is updating its dilapidated buildings ordinance to fast track the process of getting buildings fixed before they fall into disrepair.
“Basically make folks take care of their properties. Get them safe, get roofs on them, not just patches, have good drainage systems, make then aesthetically pleasing,” said Randall.
The city notes that too many buildings are becoming public hazards.
“We’re allow now is demolition by neglect and we have to come to a point as a county to say we don’t want this anymore,” said Randall.
The city has done economic development studies and they found that maintaining these unused and dilapidated buildings is a major factor in economic development.
“It can effect economic development and it does, it can effect neighbors and homeowners that own adjacent properties and so there’s a million different reason why we should be doing what we should be doing,” said Randall.
The issue will be brought up at the Wednesday Council of Commissioners meeting at 7:30 p.m.