ANACONDA - Shebrews Coffee in Anaconda and Butte are fundraising to help local organizations and families in need during historic floods rocking Montana’s small-town communities.
"First thing I saw when I turned on the news this morning was that house falling in the river and I was like 'oh my gosh what are we going to do?' Instantly I thought okay, fundraiser. We have a platform here so why not use it?" said Tricia Handy.
Tricia Handy, the owner of Shebrews Coffee, has seen the devastation brought forth by the Yellowstone river flooding in Gardiner and Livingston.
She has seen the videos of Rock creek rushing the streets of Red Lodge and the pictures of the Stafford Animal shelter evacuating in Livingston.
"The Livingston animal shelter, it completely went under water so I think we can do something for them," said Handy.
10% of sales will go toward the flood victims and there will be jars at both windows at each location to donate as well.
Handy and her managers, Mary Frisby and Mandy Armstrong, want to challenge other businesses in Butte and Anaconda to start fundraising to help victims as well.

"I think that this is just a huge opportunity for all of us to help our fellow Montanans and show them we care about you guys and we’re here for you," said Frisby.
"Just wanting to reach out and help as many people as possible is our goal," said Armstrong.
Handy asks that non-profit organization affected by the flooding reach out to Shebrews coffee.
"My heart just hurts because I think about how scared they must be and so we just really want to help the people," said Handy.
The Anaconda and Butte locations will be collecting funds until Sunday.