The Billings Symphony is back at the Alberta Bair Theater for the first time in two-and-a-half years for a concert on Saturday night.
The Symphony rehearsed on Thursday and Friday.
The concertwill include music from Mussorgsky and Rachmaninof.
Gabriela Martinez from Venezuela will perform on the piano.

Symphony Executive Director Ignacio Barron Viela says the Alberta Bair provides acoustics comparable to big-city venues.

"We have a new shell acoustic shell, which really helps the sound to project towards the audience," Barron Viela said. "And I'm sure everybody will enjoy the acoustics and the beautiful renovated Alberta Bair theater. So I would say pretty in line with the standards of other halls around the country."
The first show back includes some special features.
"We are providing a free link to all the Yellowstone County healthcare workers, to watch the concert on Saturday night from their homes, or wherever they are, just to say thank you from the symphony," he said. "That's one element of this concert. The other one is we are honoring people that passed away the last year, and we believe the music has power to heal and to bring hope."
A backdrop will show artwork from Lockwood students.
The Symphony played several times during the last year at the Lockwood Performing Arts Center.