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Butte's Park Street Community Garden is getting cleaned up

Garden Plants That Love To Grow In The Shade
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BUTTE — Organizers at the Park street community garden are getting ready for a cleanup day.

Projects are underway to tidy up as well as expand the plot of land.

"We hope to get is just a general cleanup of the area, we need to rebuild our compost bins, and we’re putting down cardboard in between the beds and then putting mulch on top of it so that we can kind of kill some of this crabgrass," said Shari Curtis, Adult services librarian for the Butte-Silver Bow Library.

Other projects include an irrigation system and the addition of an orchard.

Organizers of the park street community garden want to expand into the empty lot next to them. Right now, the county owns it but organizers are already dreaming about what they could do with it.

"The library board and directors are asking the county to let us have that lot too and so the plan would be to extend the fence around, take out this chain-link fence in between the two and put an orchard in there," Curtis said.

If the county says yes, the plan would be to plant six fruit trees either this summer or next. The extension would also allow the addition of cold frames which would extend the growing season by at least a month.

"What else is the county going to do with it? It’s a tiny little plot and it’s just right next to us so we could use it so hopefully, they will give us that permission," Curtis said.

The cleanup will take place on May 15 starting at 10 am. Organizations like the boy scouts and master gardeners will be here helping out.