The cleanup for Father Sheehan Park saw over forty volunteers lend a hand to help clear up the garbage and debris that built up over the winter.
Volunteers included community members and businesses.
"We had over the top tree service come and bring their trailer for people to dump branches in so we even have businesses donating to the project and it's just been amazing," said Trevor Peterson, Butte-Silver Bow Arborist.
Another business that volunteered their time was 5518 Designs.
"We just closed our shop down early and we’re considering this like a staff volunteer day and we’ll have thirteen of our employees out here helping out," said Jon Wick, owner of 5518 Designs.
Volunteers were spread throughout the park. Some of them raking, some of them filling in holes and gaps, and some of them cleaning up the litter which mostly came from the highway.
A study conducted by Keep America Beautiful said that there are 50 billion pieces of litter on the ground in the United States.
Every American would have to pick up 152 pieces of litter in order to clean up America.
There are more clean-ups in the future for the parks in Butte and Peterson hopes the community will help at those as well.
"You know, I’m newer to Butte but you know, I’m really surprised by how much they give back to their own community and I just love seeing that and love being part of it," said Peterson.