NewsMontana News


Safety tips if you're traveling during the coronavirus pandemic

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Medical professionals have safety tips for those traveling during the coronavirus.

Dr. Doug Nelson, Chief Medical Officer at Kalispell Regional Medical Center tells MTN that travel is the biggest risk to having a rise in virus cases in Montana.

"People traveling to Montana and also Montanans traveling to other places and then returning are frankly our biggest risk of having an outbreak here," said Dr. Nelson.

He explained to MTN that while travel restrictions have relaxed in Montana, tourists should take pre cautions to prevent the spread of the virus.

He told MTN that if you chose to travel right now, travel by car is the safest option.

However, you still need to take pre cautions while you're out on the road.

"If you travel in a car, stop to get gas hand sanitize before and after using the gas tank, wear a mask if you go into the convenience store if you get something to eat or drink," he said. "Hand sanitize after you get back before you touch your face or anything like that. You can reduce your risk to virtually nill."

Dr. Nelson told MTN that if you travel using public transportation like bus, plane or train your risk of infection is higher. He stresses how important having a mask and hand sanitation is.

"Limit your close exposure to other people," he said. "That's pretty limited on what you can do if it's a full airplane which you're packed in pretty closely. Airplanes do have air sanitation systems. Particularly, if the person next to you is coughing and sneezing, that's not going to help you a whole lot if you don't have those personal protective things on like mask and hand sanitation."

Dr. Nelson expressed to MTN that it's important everyone do what they can to prevent the spread of the virus.