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Helena Toys for Tots begin summer fundraiser: mowing your land

"Give me a call, I want to mow your weeds."
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Howard Mears likes to drive his 1948 Ford tractor to mow (as pictured above). He enjoys it so much, he does it for free. All he asks is a donation to the organization, the Helena Montana Toys for Tots.

"Give me a call, I want to mow your weeds. I have a lot of fun doing it. You'll have a lot of fun donating,” says Howard Mears, the Helena Montana Toys for Tots Coordinator.

Toys for Tots is a non-profit that purchases toys for children in need every Christmas.

Howard started mowing in May 2020 and has already received a $5,000 anonymous check for Toys for Tots. The goal is to raise $10,000 in 2020, which is about a 1,000 toys.

"It came out of the Valley Hub Pool Tournament. It was done by one of their pool players. The pool player wanted to remain anonymous, absolutely a wonderful individual," says Mears.

"It's such a humbling feeling to know that there's such generous people in our community. So many toys, moms and dads and kids can all have a better Christmas because of this one person," says Tamara Laib, the owner of Valley Hub.

According to Howard, Toys for Tots provides an average of 2.5 toys per kid, nationally.

"Helena is a very generous community. We will provide 5-6 toys per child. So, we provide a lot of toys in this town," says Mears.

Howard has already mowed over 10 properties as of June 3rd, 2020 and looks forward to more.

For a mow, you can contact Howard on his cell (406) 461 -5302.

To donate online to the Toys for Tots, click here .

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