

Recovered COVID-19 patient donates plasma to help others

and last updated

COVID-19 has taken more than 240,000 lives worldwide according to health experts. But some recovered patients are fighting back by giving plasma.

The Red Cross is currently seeking people who are fully recovered from the new coronavirus to donate plasma to help current COVID-19 patients.

Kelly Clavin tested positive for COVID-19 back in mid-March after taking a trip in Europe. She believes she caught it when she was coming back through the airport, but she suffered little to no symptoms at all.

“My sense of taste and smell for about a day and a half two days even then I didn't feel sick,” said Clavin.

As soon as she found out she tested positive she took to social media to make a post to warn others that this was real, and people needed to take it seriously.

“I went and made a big Facebook post about this okay maybe it is important that we do this,” said Clavin.

Kelly wanted to help in the best way she could. “Help the people that are not going to have an easy go if they encounter this virus you know we want to do what we can”.

So Kelly acted by giving plasma. While this will certainly help someone in need it's unknown if it will help those dealing with the coronavirus but the FDA IS launching and investigation into treatment.

You can go to the Red Crosses website for help on finding a plasma donation site.