BOZEMAN – The Montana Drought Monitor this week shows a growing percentage of exceptional drought conditions impacting the NE corner of Montana.
Locally, SW Montana is holding steady from last week to this week. In fact, we have been holding steady for several weeks thanks to the above normal rainfall in early to mid-August. However, the weather pattern over the last 2 weeks has been dry and if this trend continues drought conditions over SW Montana will worsen.
The September 2nd update on the Montana Drought Monitor now has 20% of Montana experiencing the worst drought conditions or “Exceptional Drought” ratings. The worst drought conditions are over SW Montana to the NE.
Extreme drought conditions did come down slightly from last week to this week. A slight improvement was updated from Billings to Hardin. Extreme drought percentage is now at 68%.
Severe drought and Moderate drought ratings have not changed enough to note over the last week.
AUGUST 26TH updated graphic.

September 2nd updated graphic