BUTTE - Instead of having the veterans go to them, the Veterans Administration is going to the veterans. Visiting places like the Butte American Legion to make it easier for those who served this country to get their COVID-19 vaccinations.
“It makes me feel good because I know that they’re coming here for help and we’re able to help them,” said American Legion Vice Commander Mike Lawson.
Nurses from the VA were providing booster shots for COVID-19 and flu shots for veterans at the American Legion Post #1 in Butte. More than 70 veterans came in to get the booster shot before lunchtime.
“I absolutely love it. It is very uplifting; it fills my bucket. It’s so nice to see our veterans happy and excited and that makes us happy and excited,” said VA Nurse Tina Arvish.
Air Force veteran Wayne Halverson, who is 77 years old, got his booster shot that morning.

“The way the sickness is going nobody wants to get it and I figure I’d be safe this way,” said Halvorsen.
His wife said she supports him getting vaccinated.
“I think it’s good for him to get it at his age,” said Donna Halvorsen.
When asked if she might have encouraged him, Donna had a quick answer.
“Yeah, kind of, yeah. He kind of made up his mind on his own though,” she said.
Because much of the veteran population in Montana is older, health officials say it’s that much more important that they get fully vaccinated against this virus.

“Being vaccinated helps you not get the COVID, but if you do get it you don’t usually end up in the hospital and you get over it fairly quickly,” said Lawson.
The VA plans to hold booster clinics in Kalispell, Bozeman, and Havre before the end of the month.