NewsMontana News


Heavy snowfall expected to cause power line damage in central and western Montana

Report a downed power line by calling NWE and 911

Northwestern Energy is preparing for the winter storm in western and central Montana and will have more staff on call in anticipation of the bad weather.

Heavy snowfall and strong winds are expected to cause tree damage, which may cause power line damage.

Northwestern Energy asks that you report downed power lines by calling their office or 911.

They also encourage you to be prepared in case you experience a power outage.

“Stock up on non-perishable foods, have water ready, flashlight, a hand crank radio,” said Ben Crossman, electric supervisor at Northwestern Energy.

“If you need a heater when the power is out, any kind of non-electric heater needs to be vented properly. So use it in a well ventilated area.”

Northwestern Energy would like to remind you that if you come across a downed power line while on the road, stay away from it and remain in your car.

Here are more winter storm preparedness tips NWE shared with KBZK:

  • Non-electric, unvented space heaters can be a hazard. Use them only in well-ventilated areas.
  • If you use an electric generator, plug appliances directly into it. Never plug a generator directly into your home's electrical wiring.
  • Disconnect or turn off appliances you were using when the power went off. Leave one light on to tell you when service is restored.
  • Avoid opening refrigerators or freezers. Food will stay frozen in a fully loaded freezer for 36 to 48 hours if the door is closed. In a half-full freezer, food will keep 24 hours.
  • Stock up on non-perishable foods, heating fuel and medications.
  • Fill your bathtub and spare containers with water in case your electric water pump or the local water system goes out.
  • Have a flashlight, a battery-powered radio and fresh batteries handy.
  • Prepare older family members, friends or neighbors who live alone for the weather.