NewsMontana News


Protecting paws in frigid temperates

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Below-zero temperatures present their own set of problems when it is time to take your dog outside to go potty.

Here's a look at MTN’s Jane Mcdonald’s dog taking a trip outside in the frigid weather:

Protecting paws in frigid temperates

We talked to Gallatin Veterinary Hospital and the vets there pooled their suggestions:

If you see your pet shivering, lifting up its paws, or waiting by the door, it is time to go in.

Small dogs, older dogs, or those with short hair will not be able to stay out as long as larger dogs or ones with long hair.

You should make multiple, short trips outside to get them to go.

In the extreme cold, it’s important you be there watching them so they can tell you when they have had enough.

Paws can get cold and injured even if the temperature is only freezing at 32 degrees.

If your pet won’t wear booties there are balms that can be put on for protection from lacerations or broken nails from running in snow and on ice.