MISSOULA — No charges have been filed in connection with Thursday afternoon’s lockdown at Hellgate High School.
Missoula Police Department Public Information Officer Lydia Arnold says three juveniles involved -- and their parents -- have provided statements and at this time no charges are being filed against the youths.
However, "pending review of the case, the City and/ or County Attorney’s offices may proceed with charging," a news release states.
The juveniles were released to their parents after providing statements on Thursday. The incident involved a report of a gun on campus.

Arnold says MPD and Hellgate High School “received a very credible report of a threat towards the school involving a firearm.” However, detectives have determined a firearm was not directly involved in the incident and only the threat of one was.
“A threat of violence towards a school has a wide spread impact. The swift, and professional response from Principal Miller, faculty and staff, as well as all the involved law enforcement helped resolve a critical incident at the school,” Arnold noted.