SALMON, ID - The Moose Fire near Salmon, Idaho has grown slightly from 130,079 acres to Acres 130,093 acres, according to the Monday update.
Containment has edged up from 50% to 51%.
An in-person community meeting to discuss the blaze will take place at 6 p.m. on Monday at the Idaho Fish and Game, Salmon Regional Office on Highway 93 in Salmon.
Fire managers say fire activity within the perimeter might increase on Monday due to predicted dryer, windier, and warmer weather. People may see smoke develop as well.

Crews are continuing to use drones to find hotspots in Diamond Creek, Stormy Peak Road, the Salmon Municipal Watershed, Big Moore, Fenster, Sharkey Creek, and the Ridge Road areas.
Heavy equipment is used to remove hazard trees along the Ridge Road and in the powerline right-of-way.
Firefighters hiked into the 747-acre Owl Fire on Sunday and reported minimal fire behavior.
The latest evacuation information from the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office can be found at
There are 719 people assigned to the human-caused fire which was sparked on July 17 near the confluence of Moose Creek and the Salmon River.