

Friday Morning Forecast: Soggy and cool

Pockets of heavy rain expected

Today's Forecast:
Cool rain showers are once again in the forecast for your Friday. Lighter rain is expected west of the divide with the heaviest rain for our eastern counties. The best potential for moderate to heavy rain will come between 10 AM and 3 PM with lighter showers expected toward the evening hours.

BOZEMAN: High: 51; Low: 41. Periods of cool rain are expected for the late morning through the early afternoon. Spotty showers will continue overnight with a few showers expected for the early part of your Sunday.

BUTTE: High: 54; Low: 36. Lighter rain and cool temperatures expected through the afternoon.

DILLON: High: 52; Low: 36. A few light showers are expected today with clearing skies by the evening.

WEST YELLOWSTONE: High: 45; Low: 28. Chilly with light rain during the day with a mix of rain and snow possible during the evening.