

Thursday AM Forecast: Wet and windy with snow this weekend

Colder air and snow for western Montana

Today's Forecast:
Your Thursday will be a windy one with a southerly wind between 15-30 mph with gusts near 45 mph possible in the region. A cold front will usher cooler air and scattered showers by the afternoon. Showers will likely continue through the late evening with a few light showers possible overnight.

BOZEMAN: High: 69; Low: 39. Despite warmer temperatures it will feel cool with strong wind and afternoon and evening rain showers that will drift into the area by the mid-afternoon.

BUTTE: High: 65; Low: 38. Gusty wind and mild temperatures through the early afternoon before a cold front brings cooler evening temperatures and scattered rain showers.

DILLON: High: 67; Low: 35. Windy with a few afternoon rain showers that will linger through the early evening.

WEST YELLOWSTONE: High: 61; Low: 28. Off and on showers are expected this afternoon. Light snow showers are possible by the evening.

The latest data points to northwestern Montana picking up the bulk of the winter weather. There is a Winter Storm Warning in effect for the Rocky Mountain front. There is a Winter Weather Watch out for Southwestern Montana starting at 6 PM Friday in Butte and 6 AM Saturday in Bozeman and continuing through Sunday at 6 PM. Saturday will most likely bring rain during the day and transitioning to a rain/snow mix by Saturday evening. High elevation areas will likely see snow by Saturday afternoon as the colder air begins to move in. There will likely be at least a light snow sticking to grassy areas by Sunday morning in southwestern Montana with a rain/snow mix for your Sunday afternoon and evening.