ENNIS - The $59,000,000 Ennis School Bond failed when presented to voters, and a survey has been given to district voters to help craft a new bond to be introduced at a later time.
The bond was designed to address building renovation, code updates, as well as the growing number of students in district. Other aspects included improvements to different spaces, such as gymnasiums and fine arts rooms.
“My hope is they look at the big picture, how is this going to impact our community as a whole?” Kelley Knack, a community member in Ennis said.
Knack voted in favor of the bond, as well as School Board member Dino Fanelli, who has grandchildren in school.
“I was disappointed,” Fanelli said, “We’re behind already, and if we wait too much longer, we’re not going to be able to catch up—at the rate we’re growing today.”
Another school board member, Kyle Stone, who opposed the bond spoke to the importance of weighing different aspects and facets.

“Costs of construction, and material supply chain issues, and how those could impact construction scheduling,” Stone said, “Is $59 million good for the tax payers, and good for the school? Is there a good mix there?”
To address all of these concerns, and to hear from the community the school district is mailing out a survey, and putting up ‘QR Codes’ around the town for people to fill out. Detailing why they voted the way they did, and what are the six most important aspects to address in a newly proposed bill.
“I fully support some sort of project here, we just have to try to find the sweet spot that’s in the best interest of the school and of the tax payer,” Stone said.
Dozens of responses are coming in daily, and the school is planning on reading the comments, reaching out to the community for further insight, and potentially reintroduce the bill at a later date.